1.- To promote the formation and development of the students’ personality through a harmonic relation and cooperation between school, home and homeland, as expressed in the school motto: “Home and School make the Homeland”. 2.- Encourage that every educational action fosters, develops and consolidates an integration of the student’s personality in their intellectual, volitive and emotional aspects, as well as the knowledge of scientific techniques and interpersonal relationships. 3.- Form fundamental values so that students can freely develop a sense of justice, dignity, beauty, truth, belonging and love. 4.- Foster the complete understanding and earnest acceptance of the educational principle that makes the student an active agent and protagonist of the teaching and learning process. 5.- Establish that the “bilingual school” feature means this is an Argentinean school, identified with the principles of our nation and nationality, in which the English language is taught as a particular specialty to train our students for their future insertion in the modern world. These School Regulations apply in its general aspects, both for Primary and Secondary. The documents corresponding to the aspects that are particular to each level, which also make up these regulations, must be known by the parents/representatives of the student who will be notified through the school’s official online platform. It is necessary that parents, teachers and students know and accept these rules, which will make possible everyone’s moral and intellectual growth; in an environment of mutual respect and harmony. We ask of you to read this document carefully and to keep it in your possession, understanding that signing it implies the complete knowledge and acceptance of these regulations. A. The enrollment and re-enrollment of the students will be done on the dates indicated by the Directorate and it will be conditioned by the acceptance of the objectives and school norms. The Directorate reserves the right to refuse admission and permanence for the following school year. B. The school reserves the faculty to reassign school divisions – from one year to the next – according to the pedagogical needs determined by each case. C. The school does not participate nor can get involved in any trip or activity that is not educational or organised by the school itself; like Graduate Trips and Parties. D. It is prohibited to use the school’s name, logo and emblems by students and parents; in any way, form or place without the authorisation of the school’s authorities. The same applies to the organisation of parties, outings or competitions outside the institution; like for example graduate trips and graduate parties. • Cooperate with everything related to the comprehensive education of their children. • Attend school dressed properly, with the school uniform and short hair for the boys; for the girls, they will wear their hair up with a clasp or a green ribbon. In both cases, dyes of unusual colours are not admitted. 4. For Primary School, each student will own a notebook for the exchange of information between the school and their homes. This notebook will be checked daily by the parents, who will notify any update or demand. At the same time, they can utilise this means of communication when considered necessary like a personal interview with teachers, communicating changes, reasons for not attending school, etc. 5. Parents who wish to talk with teachers should do it within the established time period for each grade/division and shift, which will be informed at the beginning of the school year and previously requesting the interview through the Communications Notebook in Primary School and via email in Secondary School. 6. Regular attendance (in the morning and in the afternoon) is of utmost importance. Parents may allow their children to be absent, only due to extraordinary circumstances. 7. For Primary School, late arrivals will be registered in the student’s Communications Notebook for their immediate notification. Students who arrive past 9:00 will be registered as Absent. Those students who leave once the lessons in the afternoon shift have started, will have half an absence. 8. No Primary student can leave the school premises during school hours; unless they are picked up by their parents. It is recommended that students are picked up once the day’s activities have ended at 16:25. The school’s personnel will remain in the building until 16:45 when the school gates are closed. 9. In case of sickness, students may present a certificate signed by a medical professional with the diagnosis and date of medical discharge in order to come back to school. 10. To justify any other absence by Primary School students, parents must notify the motives for their absence via the Communications Notebook. In case this does not happen, the absence will be “unjustified”. 11. In case of a family trip, parents should inform the school’s Directorate with anticipation. 12. To obtain the Honourable Mention for Perfect Attendance it is necessary that the student was present and arrived in time, to both shifts, throughout all of the school year and not have received any disciplinary sanctions. 13. Attendance to established Club Days is mandatory for all students. Those students who by justified reasons cannot attend, will have to stay in school; previously presenting the necessary documents. 14. Students from 7th Grade that do not have lunch in school and are expressly authorised by their parents, will be provided with a credential that will allow them to leave at noon. In case the student does not have the credential (due to misplacement or forgetfulness) the student will be denied the opportunity to leave and will have to have lunch in school and pay the fee for the meal the next day. The credential is considered to be a document and as such it should be kept in perfect conditions. In case of misplacement, parents might request a new one. 15. When a primary student, for justified reasons, must leave at noon, their parents or tutor should enter the building and sign a book that has been placed for said purpose, certifying they are taking their child from the school premises; and having previously notified via de Communications Notebook or email to the corresponding office. 16. When Students from Primary School must attend birthday parties, football practice and/or any other activity outside school, the authorization to do so must be written in the Communications Notebook or via email and to the corresponding office. Authorizations via phone call are not allowed. 17. Parents of those students who, at the end of the day and by any reason, suffer modifications in the way they travel back home; have to notify via the Communications Notebook or via email to the corresponding office (not by phone call). If parents fail to comply with this requirement, the student will be sent home in the way they usually leave. 1. The student that has received a sanction in the second quarter due to a misconduct, will not be able to receive the prizes for application and cohabitation. 2. The student who is sanctioned due to misconduct, will be sanctioned in the corresponding shift and will have an R (regular) in their report card for that shift. 3. Disciplinary instances: the rules that apply to primary school are as follows: a. Observation > misconduct and/or accumulation of 3 (three) calls to attention b. Signature > severe misconduct and/or the accumulation of 3 (three) observations. c. 1 day Suspension > Accumulation of 5 Signatures or the equivalent amount of observations. d. 2 day Suspension > Accumulation of 9 Signatures or the equivalent amount of observations. e. Permanent removal > 10 Signatures. 4. Levels of Transgression a. To the dignity of people: peers, staff, teachers and school directives b. To the legal norms. c. To the institutional rules. d. To the rules of school activities. 5. Communication of Sanctions a. Sanctions will be informed via email to the adults in charge of the students who must confirm their reception. b. Suspensions will also be communicated in written form in the Communications Notebook, which must be signed by the parents or tutor and returned, to be added to the students docket. c. 1 and 2 day Suspensions will be carried out in school. During that time, the student will do different activities assigned by the teachers of the subjects corresponding to that day (spanish and english). These activities will later be corrected, marked and archived in the student’s personal docket. The student must attend with their uniform and the necessary elements that will allow them to carry out these activities without any inconvenience. Green blazer with the school logo on the chest pocket Summer Uniform Short-sleeved shirt with embroidered school logo Gym summer uniform White shorts Gym winter uniform Green Jogging Tracksuit Mid-gray Suit with school logo on the chest pocket Summer uniform Polo shirt with embroidered school logo. Summer gym uniform White shorts with embroidered school logo Winter gym uniform Green jogging tracksuit • Students will come to school wearing the required attire on the days that they have sporting activities (in winter they will be allowed the use of the Polar Jacket or the School Jacket). School Regulations
2. To parents, tutors and custodians we ask that they:
• Support, as a basic principle, the decisions of the school’s authorities and teachers.
• Sign and deliver, in good time, all the communications as well as all the documentation required for the normal development of their children’s activities.
• Attend to the establishment when summoned or required.
• Allow and encourage the participation of their children in all the institutional activities in which the school is represented.
• Take the necessary actions in order for their children to arrive in time for the formation, at the beginning of the school day.
• Arrange interviews with the board of directors or teachers when they deem necessary to obtain information about their children’s performance.
• Inform the institution, via email and to the corresponding office, of any change in their children’s exit schedule; giving specific authorisation to whom they are leaving with.
• Notify the school, via email and to the corresponding office, if their children will remain in charge of a tutor/custodian and the amount of time they will remain under their supervision.
• Inform the school, via email and to the corresponding office, any change in address, phone number or email address in order to keep an updated database on their children’s.
• Register the authorised signatories for all the school’s official notifications.
• Inform the school board immediately of the existence or appearance of contagious diseases such as: Hepatitis, Meningitis, Scarlet Fever, Covid and any other disease with eruptive or infectious characteristics; as well as cases of pediculosis. 3. To the students we ask that they:
• Maintain a correct behaviour both inside and outside the institution, following the cohabitation rules just for the fact of wearing St. Brendan’s uniform.
• Students from Primary School should refrain from wearing earrings, jewellery and cosmetics. They are allowed to wear a wrist watch and a neck chain as long as it is worn under the shirt line.
• Be responsible with the amount of money brought to school. It is because of this that we ask students not to bring substantial amounts of money.
• Do not bring to school: glass bottles, bubble gum, jewellery and valuables, nor toys that represent weapons.
• Students are allowed to bring electronic devices such as cellphones, notebooks, tablets and ebooks. Their care and responsibility will be exclusive of their owners. The school takes no responsibility for their loss, misplacement, breaking or malfunctioning. Their use will be regulated separately and notified to parents in time.
• Always keep in mind that it is completely banned to smoke and consume alcoholic beverages inside the school and outside the school while wearing St. Brendan’s uniform, or while representing the school in an official event. SCHOOL SYSTEM OF COHABITATION
Mid grey skirt
Green Jersey
White shirt with round neck
Green socks
Brown School Shoes
Short Tights
School Jacket
Green Scarf
White socks
White Sneakers
White Skirt (hockey)
House Shirt
Green Polar jacket (only for Club Days and P.E in the morning) Boys
Mid-gray Jersey with school colours
White shirt
Grey Socks
Brown School Shoes
School Jacket
Grey Scarf
Mid-grey pants or bermuda shorts
White shirt with embroidered school logo
White socks
White Sneakers
House shirt
Green Polar jacket (only for Club Days and P.E in the morning) Summer/Winter: May 1st / October 1st
• Suede Short Boots and Sneakers of colours other than white are not allowed.
• The use of a Blazer is mandatory except with the summer uniform.
• All items of clothing must be tagged with the students name and surname.